AC/DC Source

BuIlt for ScIence. DesIgned for People

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155 AC/DC Current and Voltage Source

The MeasureReadyTM 155 Precision I/V source combines premium performance with unprecedented simplicity for materials scientists and engineers requiring a precise source of current and voltage.
With extensive experience in low-noise instrumentation for research, Lake Shore has leveraged the latest electronic technologies to reduce in-band and out-of-band noise floors for the MeasureReady 155 source to levels previously only possible using add-on filters. The result is a combination AC/DC current and voltage source that is well-suited to the challenges of characterizing sensitive materials and devices, where lower excitation signals are needed and minimum injection of noise into the measurement is required.
While sophisticated on the inside, the 155 is uncommonly straightforward to operate. Leading product designers observe that simple is much harder to accomplish than complex—just putting a touchscreen on a complex product doesn’t make it simpler. Lake Shore’s modern, user-focused design for the MeasureReady 155 presents an uncluttered and intuitive interface that instantly feels familiar and natural to anybody who owns a smartphone.

DC-low noıse performance wıthout compromısıng AC bandwıdth

The low-noise MeasureReady® 155 precision current and voltage source combines premium performance with unprecedented simplicity for materials scientists and engineers requiring a precise source of voltage and current.